If you and your team are considering how to approach your higher education marketing strategy, you may be struggling with which tactics to implement, establishing a measurement framework, or even how to communicate a need for advertising to your higher-ups. With a proven track record of success, Strategic & Creative Marketing can serve as your guide to advertising for education.
Why Run an Ad Campaign for Marketing Higher Education?
As we launch into the 4th year post 2020, a year that turned nearly every industry on its head, higher education is now coming up on a crucial turning point.
- Undergraduate enrollment increased for the first time since the pandemic in fall 2023, following years of decline.
- Now more than ever, it is essential to capitalize on this positive momentum and build on your institution’s brand awareness by reaching new students whose interest in pursuing higher education is growing.
How is Success Measured?
If you’re new to education marketing, the idea of translating ad metrics into business results may seem foreign or complicated. At Strategic and Creative Marketing, our higher education case studies showcase strong engagement numbers and tangible improvement to your brand awareness through increased website traffic at a low cost.
- Clients s
uch as the Connecticut State Department of Education saw a 125% increase in applications year over year after working with S&C to develop a multi-tiered campaign that included social ads, print, OOH, TV and radio spots, and grassroot strategies.
- Furthermore, a public Illinois university drove thousands of clicks to their website via SC social campaigns. Throughout the project, we tracked costs that fell well below platform benchmarks. Our team included our Director, Social/Digital Media, who serves on Advisory Panels for both Facebook and LinkedIn which results in SC getting lower Cost-Per-Clicks and astoundingly high Engagement Rates.
Where to Start?
Interested in more Case Studies? Click to access here: https://bit.ly/SCMarketingCaseStudyColleges S&C has extensive experience in running successful campaigns for universities and other educational institutions through cutting-edge tactics. Whether you’re looking to boost enrollment numbers, foster awareness, increase engagement, or drive high-quality leads we have the tools you need to create a comprehensive media strategy for higher education. For information on our services, please contact us at Tami@SCmarketinginc.com OR