
Strategy & Plans

One of our true differentiators from other agencies is our unique ability and extensive experience developing comprehensive marketing strategies and detailed plans for companies across the globe. Our Discovery Session uncovers most of the critical components about our client, their marketing or recruiting needs and goals, which we then transform into an integrated strategy. This strategy identifies critical foundational elements such as value proposition, audience segments, customer experience, compelling messaging and the best tactics to reach the targeted market. Then, the marketing plan is developed with specific details including the tactics to implement, the timing of each tactic, the exact messaging to reach each audience segment, the creative look and feel that will resonate with audiences and position the company, plus the budget required for each part of the campaign.

Social & Digital

Instead of guessing which Social Platform will deliver the most clicks for your ads, we use AI Software to find your Best Customer on whatever platform they are using, whenever they are online. We write conversion content that speaks directly to the person most likely to buy your product or service. Our AI Software then creates a custom audience from those most likely to Click. The AI Software then finds other people with the exact same likes/interests/jobs/income as those who are buying from you!
Here is a menu of our social and digital services:

  • Social Media Targeted Ad Buys
  • Social Media Platform Creation
  • Social Media Monthly Posting
  • Website Design/Updates
  • Social Media & Website SEO
  • Blog Content Writing
  • Social Media Graphic Design for Banners, Posts, & Events

Recruitment Marketing/Employment Branding

We develop your employment brand, establish the communication tactics to reach the right candidates, then nurture connections with top talent for a faster time-to-fill and better cultural fit. In addition to a "one time fix" we outline a clear program that will last for years and assist your organization in having the right strategy and specific tactics in place for long-term hiring success. Our corporate experience in both Marketing and Recruiting enables us to leverage the knowledge needed to create powerful Employment Brands and highly effective Recruitment Marketing campaigns. Contact us and learn how integrated communications and strategies will increase the awareness of your company and attract exceptional talent. The Internet and Social Media have created a new world of recruiting, in which candidates generally gather information from 8-12 sources before even applying for a job with your company. At S/C Marketing, we develop the content and strategy to reach and engage talent for your company by utilizing a variety of marketing tactics and platforms. In today’s digital marketing world, it is important to build your employment brand and nurture your relationship with candidates by posting 70% general information such as industry related content, 20% company specific information and 10% actual job postings. At S/C Marketing, we attract, engage, nurture and convert potential candidates for our clients by utilizing a variety of marketing tactics and platforms such as the Company Website, Social Media, Talent Pipelines, Job Boards, Career Site, and Email Newsletters. Plus, we Include powerful testimonials from employees, photos of your work environment and videos to provide a real feel of your organization that potential employee respond to


PR/Public Relations and Earned Media

While press releases can still play a role in implementing strategy and plans for public relations, it is vital in today’s fluid media environment to drive community outreach and brand awareness with far more integrated and diversified strategies. Identifying business goals and newsworthy content is a critical first step, yet once developed, that content is often distributed through multiple channels to include social media, email, blogs, earned and paid media, websites and traditional PR channels. All the diversity requires a well-defined plan for targeted content. We offer services to determine what type of content will perform best on each social media channel and have the capability to identify the ideal mix of media outlets, influencers and partnerships to drive strategy and plans for PR and community outreach.


Market Research

Effective market research begins with knowing which questions to ask, what data to pursue and what business goals will be served in the process. Our firm conducts collaborative interviews to identify those goals and target market research to determine client profiles, competitive factors, and appropriate marketing channels to pursue to address those objectives. S/C utilizes AI to conduct critical assessment of social media platforms and identify where potential customers are interacting through social media, the web and other portals. Then we consolidate that marketing study into a summary clearly defining the competitive environment and where your best customer opportunities reside. Our market research provides clarity as well as the strategy from which tactics emerge and can be implemented with confidence.


Market Research Respondent Recruitment

Many Market Research firms address the process of selecting their study participants in a similar fashion. They use public databases to gather users for their studies, whether these users are actually their target audience or not. Our digital experts develop targeted, creative, digital ads and use artificial intelligence to reach exact individuals across tens of thousands of digital websites with offers to participate in a specific market research project. Every research project has a new, customized recruiting campaign. We reach respondents wherever they are online, whenever they are online. These are fresh, new respondents for the research that have a legitimate interest in the research material. Leave the repetitive, old panel participants behind. When participants engage with our ads, they “opt in” and we gather their name and email address, build a list and provide all details to the market researcher. See how S/C Marketing can help bring you the top Market Research Participants.

Print & Email

The traditional marketing channels of print and email have an interesting relationship. Quite often the process of researching and writing print collateral for direct mail, sales literature, trade show promotions and other campaigns can be leveraged Into digital tactics and easily converted to effective email campaigns. Knowing the best conversion tactics and Call-To-Action methods for each channel is critical. All of these strategies work best when they are formed around a well-defined marketing plan that deals comprehensively with business objectives and fuel a sales process aimed toward business growth. We help companies and organizations integrate and unify their marketing and communications programs for maximum effectiveness. Print and email remain vital tools for reaching customers. Our content and design teams provide conceptual guidance and full production capabilities whether overseeing jobs at the printer or running the email program with A/B testing, links, graphics, CTA and measurement.



The strategic use of video is invaluable as a marketing and communications tool for good reasons. Customers appreciate the explanatory nature of a well-conceived and executed video whether it is a scripted or live presentation. Storytelling is a valuable component of promotional and educational video, yet the scope and scale of the subject matter and its presentation is critical. That’s why the use of video is frequently informed by market research determining client or consumer subject matter interests. At S/C, our video strategy and execution are backed by those capabilities along with experienced writers and producers to drive professional results that make excellent impressions on potential and existing customers. Generally, the results are eight times higher when video is incorporated into digital campaigns. The final and most important component is integrating Call-To-Action, lead generation and conversion into video planning. We create every video with a known purpose and objectives and use that approach to drive budgetary efficiency from storyboarding to production.


Media Buys

The division between “earned” and “paid” media from a consumer or customer standpoint is not always distinct, yet there are still critical rules to understanding the benefits and costs of each approach. Earned media is exposure gained through methods such as public relations, communications, organic social media and media relations. Paid media is engagement created through investment in advertising, designed to create lead generation that feeds CRMs for conversion. S/C can help clients in both B2B and B2C determine the most effective mix in media buys or placements. Our expertise includes industry-leading social media advertising strategies that earned us a place on the Advisory Panels of Facebook, LinkedIn, and Adobe Spark. That expertise includes highly-tested and proven methods of content creation from platform to landing page. We've developed and implemented extensive media buys across traditional and digital TV and Radio, including OTT and Connected TV, print and community grassroots advertising campaigns. Our method is to assess the needs and desired results, then execute the media planning and research to identify all opportunities and guide our clients in selecting the best, most affordable media tools to deliver results.



We all view Out Of Home advertising through billboards, digital signage and mobile branding, yet some tactics are better than others depending on your industry and needs. Like all forms of promotion, it is critical to understand the geographical reach and location of your customer base. At S/C, we provide clear analysis of OOH advertising opportunities and pricing. That enables customers to make intelligent decisions on their OOH buys. We also measure and track results with condensed reporting to identify performance.



The most important priority in developing a company or organizational website is knowing the business objectives, otherwise the project is too diffuse and leads to poor construction and a mixed user experience at best. We work with clients using a Seven-Step business goals and objectives process to determine website goals and strategies before even discussing creation of wireframes, content, and design. The same holds true for the process of converting an aging website. It is just as important to focus on objectives to gain organization “buy-in” on what the website is supposed to achieve. This front-end work requires focus and attention, yet it can also be transformational as organizations gain consensus on their purpose and business strategies. At S/C, we excel at bringing people together around sound business principles that drive purposeful, effective web strategies for companies large and small.

A Few Of Our Clients

Collaboration is key. Positive outcomes are the result.